S5 E1: Finding True Treasure - Stories by Shonaleigh and Geraldine Buckley

S5 E1: Finding True Treasure - Stories by Shonaleigh and Geraldine Buckley

The Apple Seed - Season 5, Episode 1

  • Nov 2, 2023 6:00 am
  • 28:07
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Shonaleigh and Geraldine Buckley from live recordings in the Apple Seed Studio. (1:15) "The Precious Pearl" - Shonaleigh tells a story about a queen who loves presents and how her desire and sacrifice transform her kingdom. (13:12) "The Lord of the Dance" - Geraldine Buckley tells a personal story about boarding school, dancing nuns, and finding her way back to an old love. Great stories can change your world. What stories and memories were sparked for you and who will you share them with? Hosted by storyteller Sam Payne. A production of BYUradio.