Secure Voting

Secure Voting

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 9 , Segment 1

Secure Voting, Perovskite, Teen Food, Insurance, Harper Lee

Episode: Secure Voting, Perovskite, Teen Food, Insurance, Harper Lee

  • Feb 19, 2015 10:00 pm
  • 21:32 mins

Guest: Dan Wallach, Professor of Computer Science and a Rice Scholar in the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University  STAR-vote: An ideal electronic voting system that solves the security and accuracy dilemma of previous voting methods.  “The current electronic voting systems are not really engineered with security in mind,” says Wallach.  “An ideal voting system has to be easy to use even for a variety of people with different disabilities,” says Wallach. “But likewise, an ideal voting machine has to be something that works for the poll workers. And it has to work for the security auditors. And it has to serve the candidates by providing evidence that is meaningful to them. And it has to serve the public by providing evidence that is meaningful to them. And on top of all of that, it has to be affordable.”