Realtor's Guide to Love and Life
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 667 , Segment
Diet Talk and Online Doctor Visits
Episode: Diet Talk and Online Doctor Visits
- Mar 2, 2021 1:00 pm
- 15:19
When it comes to buying a new home, you have to ask the right questions to find the right one for you. Some questions you might have to ask yourself are: “Is the ‘fixer upper’ worth the investment?” Or, “does this house have ‘good bones’ or is it all curb appeal?” These same principles that apply to house hunting also apply to dating. Just like a house, even if someone looks great on the outside, they may not actually fit your wants and needs. So, here with us today to put a real estate twist on love and help us find joy in dating and is luxury Real Estate Broker, Holly Parker. She’s also the author of “Back On the Market: A Realtor's Guide to Love and Life”