Liberal Biased Campus, Reasons to Marry, How We Learn

Liberal Biased Campus, Reasons to Marry, How We Learn

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 247

  • Nov 4, 2015 7:00 am
  • 2:21:18 mins

The Myth of the Liberal Biased College Campus (12:19)  Dr. John Tures is a Professor of political science at LaGrange College. He has worked for a defense contractor in Washington, DC and received his Ph.D. from Florida State University. Dr. Tures talks with Dr. Townsend about what he sees as the Myth of the Liberal Biased on College Campuses.  Five Reasons Not to Get Married and Why They're All Wrong (59:20) Dr. Brian Willoughby is an assistant professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University.  Dr. Willoughby is also the Director of the RELATE Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to studying and improving romantic relationships. Dr. Willoughby's research focuses on young adult dating and relationship patterns. Dr. Willoughby's specific expertise areas include dating, sexuality, cohabitation, marriage formation, and marital attitudes/beliefs.  Dr. Wolloughby talks with Dr. Townsend about reasons given to not get married and how they are incorrect. How...

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