Tales of Courage from Nebraska
Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 403
- Mar 27, 2020 6:00 am
- 45:40 mins
A Fractured Fantasy Guest: Carson Vaughan, author, "Zoo Nebraska: The Dismantling of an American Dream" Zoo Nebraska was born out of Dick Haskin's desire to study chimps up close. The whole endeavor eventually snowballed out of control, unfortunately aided by a large well-intentioned donation by Johnny Carson. But was it doomed to fail? Should Haskin have jettisoned his dream of working with chimps? Willa Cather's Nebraska Guest: Andy Jewell, Professor, University Libraries, and editor, Willa Cather Archive, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Willa Cather was overwhelmed with the Nebraska prairie when she first saw it as a child, but she learned to love it--and the immigrants who made their home in that stark landscape. Nebraska and its people informed all of her work, even after she left it to live in New York.