Engaging Children with Poetry, Helping Special Needs Kids

Engaging Children with Poetry, Helping Special Needs Kids

Worlds Awaiting - Season 1, Episode 11

  • May 14, 2016 6:00 pm
  • 28:30 mins
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Engaging Children with Poetry (2:48) Sylvia Vardell, talks about the importance of poetry in kids’ lives. Poetry can offer imagery, emotion, rhythm, and even prepares them to be better readers. Sylvia Vardell is the co-author of The Poetry Friday Anthology. Helping Special Needs Kids with Learning (13:21) Rachel also visits with father and daughter, Wendee Wilcox Rosborough  and Brad Wilcox about reaching children with special needs. Wendee shares her experience with her autistic son and how she’s influenced his response to literacy. Brad Wilcox, an educator who works with challenged kids, also offers insights. Influential Books (24:11) And, Sam Payne – storyteller, musician, and teacher, and also, host of “The Apple Seed: Tellers and Stories” – talks about how books he read growing up have influenced his life.

Episode Segments