School and Family Ties

School and Family Ties

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 666 , Segment 6

Grace Notes and Online Trolls

Episode: Grace Notes and Online Trolls

  • Mar 1, 2021 1:00 pm
  • 17:40 mins

A lot goes into whether or not our kids have a good experience in school—important factors include a good connection with their teacher, understanding the material, and getting along with other kids. But what we’d like to focus on today is how home life and the relationship between family and school impacts our kid’s educational achievement, especially during a pandemic. As parents, we are hopefully somewhat involved in helping our children succeed at school. But as we find ourselves in unique circumstances, we may be thrown off a bit this year. Well today, we are very excited to speak with Dr. Toby Parcel, Professor Emerita of Sociology at North Carolina State University, about the ties children have with family and school, and how those are currently being affected.