Big Door and other Business Storytellers
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 512
- Nov 10, 2016 7:00 am
- 58:00
According to Forbes.com in an op-ed article, "Storytelling has become a top-of-mind issue in recent times, as technology has democratized the power to share our stories with the world. The fact that it continues to be a pressing issue in today’s age of collaborative commerce is no surprise. What is, however, is the attention it is finally getting as a business competency that drives emotional engagement and resulting enhanced business performance." In this episode, listen to conversation between business storytellers and entrepreneurs who utilize narrative in their practice. Interviews included in this episode: Daxson Hale, Head Writer at Big Door Productions Big Door is a creative agency for startups and young companies needing product launch videos and clever commercial work. They have locations in both Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah where technology and innovation are rapidly rising. Their staff is made up of a creative bunch who aim to fascinate the world. Daxson Hale is their Head Writer. Visit www.bigdoornetwork.com to learn more. Karen Dietz and Barry Releford, Business Storytellers Karen Dietz, PhD., owner of Just Story It is a consultant, facilitator, trainer, and story coach who works with leaders and executive teams to cultivate and tell their most compelling stories in their organizations. Karen is the former Executive Director of the National Storytelling Network. Learn more about business storytelling by visiting www.juststoryit.com.