Middle East Panel on Iran
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 104 , Segment 3
Forgiveness, Learning Disabilities in College, and Iran
Episode: Forgiveness, Learning Disabilities in College, and Iran
- Jul 16, 2015 9:00 pm
- 40:12 mins
Guests: Steven Lobell, University of Utah Political Science, John Macfarlane, Utah Valley University Political Science, and Quinn Mecham, Brigham Young University Political Science After years of negotiation, the US has agreed to a deal meant to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon in the next decade. Iran promises to wind down its nuclear enrichment program and give international inspectors unprecedented access to monitor Iran’s compliance with the deal. In exchange, major nations including the US will lift the economic sanctions that have hampered Iran’s economy. With an hour-long press conference yesterday, President Obama kicked off a PR effort to sell the deal to Congress, which has 60 days to review it. Joining me now to discuss the deal and its impact is our monthly panel of Middle East experts.