Iowa State: The Spirit of Jack Trice and The Cycloneers
Big Stories - Season 1, Episode 10
- Nov 9, 2023 7:00 am
- 28:03 mins
Jack Trice Stadium is home of the Iowa State football team. But who is Jack Trice? We dive into the life and death of the Cyclone's first African-American player and how the stadium came to be named after him. And, how former Iowa State softball player Lea Nelson's social media post led to two team's fan bases coming together to support the "Cycloneers." Guests: George Trice - Jack Trice's Cousin Tom Emmerson - Former Iowa State University Journalism Professor Darien Porter - Iowa State Football Player Rebecca Wells - Iowa State University Student Life Archivist Lea Nelson - Former Iowa State Softball Player Randy Mazey - West Virginia Baseball Coach