Childhood Trauma in Adulthood
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 227 , Segment 1
Childhood Trauma, Humility Is the New Smart, Public Wi-Fi
Episode: Childhood Trauma, Humility Is the New Smart, Public Wi-Fi
- Sep 23, 2017 4:00 pm
- 47:55 mins
Shanta R. Dube is an Associate Professor for Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Georgia State University. Shanta’s main public health research focus is behavioral epidemiology, which studies patterns of behaviors that contribute to disease and well-being. For millions of children in the U.S., poverty, neglect or abuse is a reality of everyday life, though these struggles are often hidden from view. Adult survivors often feel ashamed about and stigmatized for their childhood adversity. This makes it difficult to recognize that these events occur. While it’s easier to turn away than to face these issues, we can no longer afford to do so. Stress, mental illness, and substance abuse – all health outcomes linked to childhood trauma – occur in the U.S. today at very high rates. Shanta R. Dube explains what can be done.