Road Stories
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 625
- Jul 28, 2017 6:00 am
- 58:09 mins
Summertime is the time for road trips. And traveling around this summer with friends and family of different ages certain stories have floated to the top of the pile as crowd pleasers for drive-time listening. We wanted to share those stories with you whether you're cruising along the open road this summer or taking the prime seat on the couch. Stories included in this episode: Lessons Learned in East Berlin by Bil Lepp (1:34) Bil is notorious for his tall tales but this is a true story from when he was an exchange student in Germany. In a quest to acquire an East German propaganda poster, Bil learns that people are more than just the organization with which they affiliate Learn more about Bil Lepp, who has won the West Virginia Liars' Contest five times, by visiting: Weezie and the Moon Pies by Bill Harley (15:38) Weezie is the smartest kid's little sister and gets everyone into a pickle one day when her love for Moon Pies goes unattended. Learn more about Bill Harley, winner of the Green Earth Book Award, by visiting: Train by Kevin Kling (40:25) Lessons learned by riding the rails to the coast in search of great seafood. Learn more about Kevin Kling, who has written five plays, by visiting: The Bear Hunters Bold by Waddie Mitchell (51:45) A terrific piece by one of America's leading cowboy poets, performed live at the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival in 2012. Learn more about Waddie Mitchell, who has appeared on television several times, by visiting: