Diabetes Prevention
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 274 , Segment 2
International Drug Policy, Diabetes Prevention, Poverty and Death
Episode: International Drug Policy, Diabetes Prevention, Poverty and Death
- Apr 14, 2016 9:00 pm
- 20:07 mins
Guest: David Marrero, PhD, Professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine More than a quarter of adults in the US have pre-diabetes, which means they’re on the cusp of developing full-blown Type 2 diabetes and all the costly complications that come with it. But research has shown weight loss and moderate exercise can keep the disease at bay for many of those Americans. Unfortunately, Medicare only pays for medicine to treat diabetes, not the kind of coaching on diet and exercise that could actually prevent the disease among people at risk. The Department of Health and Human Services now says that’s going to change.