Using Vultures to Solve Crimes
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 853 , Segment 2
Supreme Court Nomination Shenanigans, Using Vultures to Solve Crimes, African Sleeping Sickness
Episode: Supreme Court Nomination Shenanigans, Using Vultures to Solve Crimes, African Sleeping Sickness
- Jul 11, 2018 11:00 pm
- 15:46 mins
Guest: Lauren Pharr, PhD, Forensic Scientist, Pharr Forensic Consulting LLC When police find human remains, blood and bone samples are important evidence, of course. But feathers? Absolutely, says forensic scientist Lauren Pharr. She’s an expert in reading the clues left behind by vultures, and her knowledge of vulture scavenging behavior has helped police solve some tricky cases.