Being Highly Sensitive
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 754 , Segment
When to take Young kids to the therapist and Cancel Culture Good or Bad?
Episode: When to take Young kids to the therapist and Cancel Culture Good or Bad?
- Jun 30, 2021 12:00 pm
- 15:26
How often do we hear people say “oh, stop being so sensitive!” Or “you’re taking it too personally”? In these types of cases, sensitivity often gets a bad wrap. It can seem like a weakness, representing someone who is easily offended. However, being sensitive can also be interpreted as a positive, describing someone who is thoughtful of other’s needs, considerate and able to show empathy for others. So, how can we help those that are highly sensitive feel value in their way of thinking? Today we are talking with Melody Wilding about the power that can come from sensitivity and how to navigate life if you are a highly sensitive person. Melody is an executive coach and author.