Easy-To-Build Wheelchairs
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 77 , Segment 2
Politics, Easy-to-Build Wheelchair, Dealing with Let Downs
Episode: Politics, Easy-to-Build Wheelchair, Dealing with Let Downs
- Apr 20, 2015 1:00 pm
- 45:49 mins
Led by Dr. Mark Colton, 5 Undergraduate BYU Engineering Students have just completed a Capstone project that resulted in a light-weight, more affordable, do-it-yourself wheelchair. It’s adjustable, it’s mobile and it costs under $500. Dr. Mark Colton received his PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Utah, with an emphasis on haptic interfaces. While completing his PhD, he served as a Visiting Instructor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Brigham Young University.