Mosquitos and Bacteria
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 102 , Segment 2
Housing Segregation, Moby Dick, Between War and Peace
Episode: Housing Segregation, Moby Dick, Between War and Peace
- Jul 14, 2015 9:00 pm
- 16:27 mins
Guest: Dr. Jeff Tomberlin, Texas A&M entomologist Mosquitos sometimes make the decision to sit outside and enjoy the summer a painful one. What makes mosquitos like us so much? Entomologist Jeff Tomberlin has recently found evidence that the bacteria on our skin have a way of sending a message to mosquitos that's pretty much like ringing a dinner bell. But now for the good news- Dr. Tomberlin and his colleagues think they might be able to mute that message so mosquitos steer clear.