BBQ, Celery Juice, Staycations, Supporting Boomerang Kids

BBQ, Celery Juice, Staycations, Supporting Boomerang Kids

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 137

  • Mar 29, 2019 6:00 am
  • 101:15
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BBQ (00:00) Steven Raichlen, author of New York Times bestselling book Barbecue Bible, talks all about the best BBQ techniques and how to be a master of the grill. Celery Juice (32:23) Andrea Ovard, registered dietitian, walks us through the health benefits of celery juice and why it has become so popular. Staycations (50:37) Lisa and her sister Gina James discuss the dos and don’ts of staycations. Supporting Boomerang Kids (1:23:49) Are your adult children wanting to move back home? Dr. David J. Bredehoft helps us understand how to communicate with adult children living in your house.