Improving Media Literacy - Your Life Online, Part 5

Improving Media Literacy - Your Life Online, Part 5

The Lisa Show - Season 2023, Episode 17

  • Jun 13, 2023 12:00 pm
  • 28:51 mins
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Do you remember the last time you read a headline or a post online, and later found out it wasn’t true? How did you feel? How did it change the way you see the world? The internet is filled with people sharing information, whether they’re journalists breaking a big story, or influencers talking about their favorite skincare products, or even just family members talking about things that interest them. And no matter what your personal beliefs are, it can be hard to always spot incorrect or completely false information when it comes up. So what can we do? And what difference can media literacy make in our lives? Lisa talks to cybersecurity expert Amanda Hughes, media literacy professor Julia Smith, as well as her producer McKay to find out.