How to Create a New Life Post-Pandemic
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 741 , Segment 5
The Inn and Working Remotely Life Hacks
Episode: The Inn and Working Remotely Life Hacks
- Jun 11, 2021 12:00 pm
- 13:39 mins
On May 28th the CDC released the statement all of us had been waiting to hear for nearly a year and a half; life can return to normal. For those who are vaccinated, we no longer have to wear masks or physically distance ourselves from those around us. With the hope and promise of normality, do we really want life to pick up right where we left off a year and a half ago? Or is now the time to start dreaming big and start a new chapter in your life? Well, lifelong creator and innovator Gene Jones is joining us today to share how using your creative muscles might be the key to creating your new and improved life in this post-COVID society.