Dealing With Difficult Conversations over the Holidays
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 964 , Segment 1
Holiday Conflicts, Ethical Shopping, St. Lucia, Man’s Best Friend, Hero Rats
Episode: Holiday Conflicts, Ethical Shopping, St. Lucia, Man’s Best Friend, Hero Rats
- Dec 13, 2018 10:00 pm
- 22:25 mins
Guest: Emily de Schweinitz Taylor, Conflict Mediator, Author of "Raising Mediators" You’re going to be with a lot of family and friends at holiday gatherings in the coming weeks. And maybe you’re dreading what will happen when your uncle brings up that politician you disagree with, or your mother-in-law starts giving you parenting advice. A lot of us are in the habit of walking away from those conversations just to keep the peace, maybe hiding out for a bit and venting on Facebook, right? But what if you didn’t walk away? What if there were a way to have that disagreement without ending in hurt feelings or broken dishes?