The SC Hall of Fame: The Way, Way Back & The Island

The SC Hall of Fame: The Way, Way Back & The Island

Screen Cleaning - Season 4, Episode 1

  • Jan 2, 2021 7:00 am
  • 56:50 mins
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Could we have covered more different ground by picking a 2010's indie comedy and a Michael Bay film as our latest two entries into The Screen Cleaning Hall of Fame? Every so often on the show we spend a little more time talking about movies we love, but don't talk enough about. Jeff's selection offers dumb fun chases and sweeping panoramic shots in 2005's The Island. And we say goodbye and good luck to Producer Mickey who brings us The Way, Way Back one of her personal favorites. It's a movie about growing up and moving on, and we wish the best to Mickey in the future from us at Screen Cleaning.