Hand-Written Letters and Children's Literacy

Hand-Written Letters and Children's Literacy

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 244 , Segment 4

Super Tuesday Analysis, Barbie's New Look, How Doctors Die

Episode: Super Tuesday Analysis, Barbie's New Look, How Doctors Die

  • Mar 2, 2016 11:00 pm
  • 14:16 mins

Guest: Kathryn Pole, PhD, Assistant Professor in Literacy Studies at the University of Texas Arlington  Who doesn’t love getting mail? I mean a REAL hand-written letter? But we send them so rarely that children today hardly know what it feels like to get a letter from grandma. However, one kindergarten teacher found that when she introduced a letter-writing project into her classroom, not only did the kindergartners’ writing skills evolve dramatically, but they tapped into a new way of recording family history.