Women in Advertising
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 252 , Segment
Refugee Crisis, Cigarette Warning Labels, Women in Advertising
Episode: Refugee Crisis, Cigarette Warning Labels, Women in Advertising
- Mar 14, 2016 9:00 pm
- 18:02
Guest: Jean Kilbourne, Filmmaker, Media Critic, and Public Speaker There’s a magazine ad from 1970 for a weight-loss treatment that shows woman’s before and after photos and the copy reads: “I’d probably never be married now if I hadn’t lost 49 pounds.” An ad company could never get away with that today; not in this post-feminist movement era with women leading Fortune 500 companies and running for president. But media critic and filmmaker Jean Kilbourne says the “image of women in advertising today is worse than ever,” and she’s been tracking it for 40 years.