Tech Transfer: Mini-Mass Spectrometer

Tech Transfer: Mini-Mass Spectrometer

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 86 , Segment 6

Faith and Climate Change, Education Tech, Parkinson's

Episode: Faith and Climate Change, Education Tech, Parkinson's

  • Jun 22, 2015 9:00 pm
  • 19:54 mins

Guests: Daniel Austin, Professor of Chemistry at BYU  On TV, first responders and crime scene investigators can sniff a mysterious substance or take a sample and on-the-spot know exactly what it is. Real life generally requires the use of a fairly bulky device called a mass spectrometer – which is in a lab somewhere – so it takes some time to know what substance we’re dealing with. It would be better if the analysis could be done in the field, like it is on TV.