Staying Civil in Social Activism

Staying Civil in Social Activism

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 853 , Segment 3

Supreme Court Nomination Shenanigans, Using Vultures to Solve Crimes, African Sleeping Sickness

Episode: Supreme Court Nomination Shenanigans, Using Vultures to Solve Crimes, African Sleeping Sickness

  • Jul 11, 2018 11:00 pm
  • 16:26 mins

David Meyer, PhD, Professor of Sociology, University of California Irvine In the last several weeks, Trump Administration officials have been getting tossed out of restaurants or taunted by crowds while dining in public. Is it civil to harass a political figure while they’re conducting their private life? How about if it’s not a public figure, but just a regular teenaged Trump supporter wearing a Make America Great Again hat while eating in a fast food restaurant with friends?