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  • Jun 22, 2017 6:00 am
  • 57:44 mins
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Many of our most treasured personal stories involve our first experiences: our first steps, our first words, our first successes, our first failures... And while new experiences may not always be easy or comfortable, the stories that grow from them make up the cannon of our lives. A few of our favorite storytellers share some of their own first experiences, and we explore how trying new things helps defines who we are, and where we’re going. Stories in this episode include: Maternal Instinct by Allison Downey (1:28) A story about a new mother learning to care for her first child. Learn more about Allison Downey, the host and co-producer of Michigan Radio's "The Living Room" series, by visiting: When Anna Met Rufous by Anne Rutherford (15:03) Anna, a hummingbird, finds a new lease on life when she meets Rufous, a bird from Mexico. Anne is accompanied in the story by Roberto C. Gonzalez, a bilingual storyteller from New York City. Learn more about Anne Rutherford, who is also a teaching artist, by visiting: Welcoming the Drums by Fran Yardley (27:52) Childhood vignettes in which Fran experiences jazz music, the outdoors, and the loss of a loved one for the first time. Learn more about Fran Yardley, a co-founder of the original Adirondack Arts and Healing Retreat, by visiting:

Episode Segments