![Somebody Has to Dust!](https://assets.byub.org/images/2fe89240-df66-497e-9300-73d793d74fe7/720x405.jpg)
Somebody Has to Dust!
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 733 , Segment 2
Why CHIP Matters, Prince Alwaleed's Life Bargain, Homer's Odyssey Revisted
Episode: Why CHIP Matters, Prince Alwaleed's Life Bargain, Homer's Odyssey Revisted
- Jan 25, 2018
- 15:02 mins
Guest: Claudia Geist, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology/Division of Gender Studies, University of Utah TV loves the stereotype of a grumpy retired guy like Archie Bunker or Frank Barone from "Everybody Loves Raymond" spending his days relaxing on the couch while his wife cooks and cleans around him. University of Utah sociologist Claudia Geist wondered if there was any truth to that stereotype, so she looked into surveys of retired couples over 60. She was particularly curious if health problems would affect how much housework the aging husband or wife would do.