A Geek in China

A Geek in China

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 825 , Segment 2

Race, Religion, and the LDS Priesthood; A Geek in China

Episode: Race, Religion, and the LDS Priesthood; A Geek in China

  • Jun 1, 2018 11:00 pm
  • 52:25 mins

Guest: Matthew Christensen, PhD, Director of the Chinese Flagship Program, Professor, Asian and Near Eastern Languages, BYU, and Author, “A Geek in China” China is involved in much of the Trump Administration’s maneuvering right now – both on trade and North Korea. But, despite its prominence on the world stage and prevalence in our daily lives as the manufacturer of basically everything, China is not well-understood by Americans. Here we explore “what makes China quintessentially China.”