Parent Previews: "Overboard"

Parent Previews: "Overboard"

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 806 , Segment 5

Insect-Borne Diseases on the Rise, Predicting Poverty, Alexa Prize Challenge

Episode: Insect-Borne Diseases on the Rise, Predicting Poverty, Alexa Prize Challenge

  • May 7, 2018 11:00 pm
  • 11:50

Guest: Rod Gustafson, In the 1980s, a selfish heiress played by Goldie Hawn fell off a boat, woke up with amnesia and was duped into believing she was the hardworking housewife of a blue collar carpenter played by Kurt Russell. It was an elaborate revenge plot and a star vehicle for the two actors. The remake of "Overboard" (also called "Overboard") is now in theaters featuring Ana Faris and Eugenio Derbez. But this time the gender roles in the plot are reversed.