Game of Loans: Rhetoric vs. Reality of Student Debt

Game of Loans: Rhetoric vs. Reality of Student Debt

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 563 , Segment 4

Advice For Trump, Why We're Awkward, A Stroke of Faith

Episode: Advice For Trump, Why We're Awkward, A Stroke of Faith

  • May 30, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 20:25 mins

Guest: Matthew Chingos, PhD, Director of the Education Policy Program, Urban Institute, Co-Author of “Game of Loans: the Rhetoric and Reality of Student Debt” When total student loan debt in America breached the one trillion-dollar threshold a few years back, horror stories of unemployed college graduates crushed by six-figure debt and living with their parents took center stage. While these stories are true, they may not hold the full picture, according to Urban Institute Education Policy analyst Matthew Chingos. In fact, he argues that by fixating on those extreme student debt stories, we’re missing the real problem with student loans in America.