Harassment, Difficult English Spelling, Survive Holidays
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 276
- Nov 20, 2017 7:00 am
- 2:24:46 mins
Political Harassment Joe Cannon is the CEO of the Fuel Freedom Foundation, former Chairman of the Utah Republican Party, past assistant administrator in the US EPA, and editor of the Deseret News. Joe Cannon discusses the Republicans problems in supporting or abandoning Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, the future of Al Franken, and the struggle for tax reform. Spelling Makes English Difficult Stephen Linstead is Chairman and Honorary Treasurer of the English Spelling Society. Some of the most difficult languages to learn are Chinese, Finnish and Arabic. Although English isn’t on the list, it is still no cake-walk to learn. Languages can become difficult to learn for grammatical reasons, because of colloquial terms and accents. Stephen Linstead from The English Spelling Society argues that it is in fact “spelling” that makes English a challenge to learn. Makena Bauss - Psychology of Black Friday Black Friday the first shopping day after Thanksgiving. Characterized by long lines and low prices along with mob scenes and physical altercations. Why do we do this? Producer Makena Bauss shares some research the explains this yearly behavior. How to survive the holidays with your family Nicole Cunningham is a Master Executive Coach with 15 years of coaching and consulting experience. Nicole has dedicated her career to assisting companies, individuals and families in Australia, Malaysia, UK, Singapore, and America to understand, change and improve human behavior and relationships. Nicole is a people whisperer, she has an incomparable understanding of all aspects of human nature and she is the creator of the 12 Psychological Inclinations. She is also the COO of Clarity Point Coaching. Nicole with some tips on how to survive the holidays with your family.