Perfectly Human: Finding Joy in Sorrow
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1055 , Segment 3
Census Question, Perfectly Human, Tipping Culture
Episode: Census Question, Perfectly Human, Tipping Culture
- Apr 23, 2019 10:00 pm
- 21:53 mins
Guest: Sarah Williams, Professor in the History of Christianity, Regent College, Author of “Perfectly Human: Nine Months with Cerian” Pregnancy and childbirth are not easy, but I know so many mothers who say the beauty of having a new baby is worth all the pain and discomfort. And that’s what makes Sarah Williams’ story so unusual. Even when she learned her daughter would not survive after childbirth, she opted to carry the baby to term. The experience taught her about God’s love and about sacrifice and about what it means to be human.