Healthy Eating Choices for Kids

Healthy Eating Choices for Kids

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 16 , Segment 3

Natural Disasters and School Safety, Getting Children to Make Healthy Choices, Directing Creativity

Episode: Natural Disasters and School Safety, Getting Children to Make Healthy Choices, Directing Creativity

  • Oct 5, 2018 3:00 pm
  • 16:02 mins

Fast food restaurants and junk food companies have found the exact way to market themselves to young children. But schools, governments, and parents combined are unable to figure out the right way to teach and encourage children to eat healthily. Today we are going to learn the ins and outs of teaching children healthy eating habits. Michal Maimaran, Ph.D. a professor of Marketing at Northwestern University and a mother herself, is here to share her findings in a recent study.