Mid-East Panel
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 178 , Segment 4
Expensive Art, Grit, Mid-East, Red Meat and Cancer
Episode: Expensive Art, Grit, Mid-East, Red Meat and Cancer
- Nov 12, 2015 10:00 pm
- 34:15 mins
Guests: John Macfarlane, PhD, Adjunct Political Science at Utah Valley University; Matthew Stathis, PhD, Professor of Political Science at Southern Utah University; Hakan Yavuz, PhD, Professor of Political Science at the University of Utah Our monthly panel of Middle East experts is back as we consider the growing possibility that terrorists are to blame for the crash of a passenger jet carrying more than 200 Russian tourists. We’ll also be discussing an important recent election in Turkey and the evolving nature of America’s relationship with Iran.