Lessons in Inuit Parenting (Originallay aired May 1, 2019)

Lessons in Inuit Parenting (Originallay aired May 1, 2019)

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1079 , Segment 2

Measles, Inuit Parenting, Supervised Injection Sites

Episode: Measles, Inuit Parenting, Supervised Injection Sites

  • May 27, 2019 10:00 pm
  • 19:52 mins

Guest: Michaeleen Doucleff, Global Health Correspondent, NPR It can be so, so hard not raise your voice when your kids are misbehaving. NPR reporter Michaeleen Doucleff travelled to the northern reaches of Canada for some parenting lessons from the Inuit, who know a thing or two about keeping their cool. Puns aside, anthropologists have marveled that Inuit parents never seem to yell or get hopping mad at their young kids.