Good and Cheap

Good and Cheap

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 147 , Segment 5

EB-5 Visas, Grandmothers, TSA Uniforms, President Truman

Episode: EB-5 Visas, Grandmothers, TSA Uniforms, President Truman

  • Sep 23, 2015 9:00 pm
  • 27:01 mins

Guest: Leanne Brown, Author of Cookbook “Good and Cheap”  There are 5,600 people thanked, by name, in Leanne Brown’s new cookbook. Those 5,600 people donated more than $140,000 so she could publish her book and give thousands of copies to low-income families. Why the giveaway? Because the entire book is made up of recipes designed to feed a family on $4 per person per day.